23 Φεβρουαρίου 2025



27th OF MAY 2021


18:30, Rhythm Section, “THE BEAUTIFUL FORMULA COLLECTIVE”, Oleksiy Koval, Serena Semeraro, Mirco Tarsi, Veronika Wenger, Michael Wright, (performance)

Live Painting Video,  compositions:  “Schar” 2021,  as a part of RHYTHM SECTION AMBIGUOUS UNAMBIGUOUS, Curated by Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck



28th OF MAY 2021


17:00, Chicago Artists Platforms, “Refuge”, Rose Camastro Pritchett, Claudia Bucher, Anni Holm, (performance)

Performance art video, created online in three countries, video editor: Stephen Guenther, USA


19:00, BIG – Biennale Inannulable des espaces d’art de Genève, “What does it mean to organise an art biennial during a period of pandemic?”



Jill Gasparina,  Αrt critic, art theorist, curator and teacher


Remi Dufay, Coordinator of the BIG, artist

Charlotte Magnin, Coordinator of the BIG, art historian and art researcher


The speech will be in French with english subtitles


29th OF MAY 2021


17:00, Topp & Dubio, “Unstable Matter Situations Live”


Topp & Dubio

The speech will be in English


19:00, dreamideamachine, “Dialogues with Art & Artists Part II’”


Efi Michalarou, Journalist, Art Critic, Independent Curator


Efi Michalaroupresents her book ‘’in first singular & second plural, part ii’’  with 25 interviews by art people.

The speech will be in Greek


30th OF MAY 2021


12:00, The First and Last and Always Psiloritis Biennale”


Stamatis Schizakis, Curator and Art historian


Curator Stamatis Schizakis presents The First and Last and Always Psiloritis Biennale, a curatorial project for which he realizes temporary artistic interventions and installations in open spaces in the area of Psiloritis in Crete, according to the directions given by collaborating artists.


Presentation will be in English subtitles with Greek voiceover


17:00, Five Years & Darling Pearls & Co,  “Unicorn vs Medusa / Art vs Porn: the same old story”

Coordinator: Alessandra Falbo, Art gallery director, curator, artist


Holly Crawford, Artist and art historian

Misha Mayfair, Artist, porn actress and activist

Itziar Bilbao Urrutia, Artist, pornographer and activist

Stewart Home, Artist, art historian and activist


The speeches will be  English



31th OF MAY 2021


17:00, POW WOW,  “Kafka is a Punk Rocker”,  Grigoria Vryttia, (performance)


“Kafka is a punk rocker”, the latest performance of Grigoria Vryttia along a soundscape by the artistic duo “Quasar” (Frida Kavlo & DJ Marble), explores an idea of historicity through a web of references.


18:00, EULENGASSE, »No artist – no run« – Artist-run spaces with or without Corona –the recognition of a crisis?

Coordinator: Andrea Blumör, member of the board of EULENGASSE e.V.


Andrea Blumör, Visual artist

The speech will be in English





1st OF JUNE 2021


17:00, MEETING:  “The city’s memory during the pandemic


Eleni Tzirtzilaki, architect, community artist


Bia Papadopoulou, Art Historian, Curator

Eleni Tzirtzilaki, architect, community artist

Giorgos Tserionis, artist

Faye Tzanetoulakou, Art Historian, Curator


The pandemic has mostly affected women and the non-wealthy, creating new poverty and feelings of precariousness.  It has brought about prohibitions, restrictions and has transformed the urban territory. How is history written today? Have new artistic practices emerged in the city in relation to the past?


The speeches will be  Greek


19:00, ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΤΕΣ | META-FRASTES, Τhis will hurt


Alexander Voutsas, photographer-visual artist


The speech will be in Greek and in English


2nd OF JUNE 2021


17:00, Rhythm Section, A public video screen is not only a digital surface for advertising or moving images, but also a surface for digital painting



Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck

Dr. Ezgi Bakçay

Oleksiy Koval



Curated by Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck


The talk will be in English


19:00, DAS ESSZIMMER – space for art+, “And Now? ”



SEA Foundation Tlburg/NL | represented by Riet van Gerven

ID:I Galleri Stockholm/SE |   represented by Alexander Mood,  Artist,  and Annelie Wallin, Artist

Bureau d’Art et de Recherche (BAR), Roubaix/F |  represented by Guillaume Krick, Artist,

Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm  | represented by Andreas Ribbung, artist and co-founder of candyland


After more than one year of the pandemic, after mourning of what we have lost in our lives due to contact restrictions, after very reduced exchange and exposure possibilities particular in art, maybe we should now start to think about if there is anything we can learn from the past months beyond setting up zoom meetings and live streams.


The talk will be in English


3srd OF JUNE 2021


17:00, ΚΟΙΝΩΝΩ | Tinos Art Gathering,Experiments in inductive landscaping or Kinono as an act”


Christos Artemis, Founder and art director of Kinono


The speech will be in Greek with English subtitles


18:00, EULENGASSE,Refugee stories” – Afghan artists and non-artists in diaspora

Coordinator: Andrea Blumör, member of the board of EULENGASSE e.V.


Andrea Blumör, Visual artist


The speech will be in English


4th OF JUNE 2021


17:00, CultureNow,Theory/Curating/Pandemic ”

Coordinator: Faye Tzanetoulakou, Art Historian and Curator


Faye Tzanetoulakou, Art Historian and Curator

Introduction. Immersing to art, physically, digitally, phygitally: How can art survive the sudden vanishing of synaesthesia

Vassiliki Vayenou, Art Historian

Confronting pauses and gaps: Greek artists in the times of the pandemic

Stratis Pantazis, Art Historian and Curator

Site-specific τέχνη την εποχή του κωρονοϊού


A series of talks on the issue of survival and the presence of visual arts during the pandemic, by the art critics of the cultural website / online art magazine culturenow.gr


The speeches will be in English


19:00, DAS ESSZIMMER – space for art+, “Only Art is Work  | Nur Kunst ist Arbeit 



DAS ESSZIMMER invited the artist couple stöckerselig from Basel/CH to talk about their concept and approach that only art is work. They will invite a further guest to this conversation.

In their artist initiative Weltraum, they foster the exchange between people of all generations interested in and active in the promotion of culture.

The speech will be in German


5th OF JUNE 2021


13:00, The Art Newspaper Greece,  Αrchive in the Digital Age: A Different Approach


Charis Kanellopoulou, Art Historian, member of the editorial board of The Art Newspaper Greece

Antonia Pilarinos, Curator,Communications and Cultural Liaison at the Danish Institute at Athens

Stamatis Schizakis, Curator, New Media and Photography, National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens


The speech will be in Greek


6th OF JUNE 2021


12:00, dreamideamachine, MEETING: The Position of Women in Contemporary Art


Efi Michalarou, Journalist, Art Critic, Independent Curator, Director of the online magazine www.dreamideamachine.com



Dimitriadis Christina, Visual Artist


Sdoukou Ifigeneia, Visual Artist, Member in the Board of Directors of Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras

Dimitropoulou Martha, Visual Artsist

Tsiatsiou Theodora, Visual Artist, Secretary of Association of Visual Arts of Larissa- 8, member of the Artistic Committee of Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras

Basdekis Evangelia,  Visual Artist-Performer


The speech will be in Greek


17:00, SHELTER Artists Run Space,Pandemic Diary”


Serife Aslan


The speech will be in English


7th OF JUNE 2021


18:00, EULENGASSE, »Beuys 100.« – Hats off – heads on! – The Centenary of Joseph Beuys

Συντονισμός : Harald Etzemüller, μέλος του διοικητικού συμβουλίου της EULENGASSE e.V.


Harald Etzemüller, Αρχιτέκτονας

Petra Kammann, Δημοσιογράφος

Vládmir Combre de Sena, Επιμελήτρια


The speech will be in English


19:30, Fragments of truth + LaLa Art Group, “PATMOS 12”


Louisa Karapidaki,  Αrt historian

Ilias Papailiakis, Artist


Discussion between art historian Louisa Karapidaki and the artist Ilias Papailiakis.


The speech will be in Greek


8th OF JUNE 2021


18:00, D.E.U.S., “How to D.E.U.S. ?”


Apostolia Papadamaki, Director, Chorographer

Georgia Kotretsos, Visual Artist, Professional Spectator

Poka Yio, Founding Director of the Athens Biennale

Alexis Kaniaris, Project Manager

Christina Negrepontis, D.E.U.S. artist member

Stinne Van Espen, D.E.U.S. artist member

Panolabrou, D.E.U.S. founder, Visual Artist


The speeches will be in English

19:00, ABC Gallery, “Synaesthetics. Poetry and/as audiovisual medium”


Maxim Ilyukhin,  Ivan Kurbakov


Maxim Ilyukhin

Ivan Kurbakov

Pavel Zarutskiy

Ivan Masteropoulοs


The speech will be in English


9th OF JUNE 2021


17:00, Penelope’s web, “The photographic self-portrait – From the intimate to the universal ”


Maria Xypolopoulou, PhD Candidate in History (University of Paris 1, Sorbonne-Panthéon), Independent Curator and art critic


The presentation aims to highlight the creative and theoretical context of the penelope’s web group’s works and to suggest through brief references to the evolution of woman self-portrait, as recorded in the history of the photographic medium, the key points for their understanding and approach.


The speech will be in Greek


18:00, EULENGASSE,(Greek) Art Film” (Provisional title)

Coordinator: Sabine Imhof, film scientist


Sabine Imhof, film scientist


In collaboration with Filmforum Höchst Arthouse Cinema, Frankfurt am Main (the chosen film will be available on https://www.filmforum-höchst.com)


The speech will be in English


10th t OF JUNE 2021


17:00,  What Theorems are and what they want



Emmanuel Mavrommatis, Emeritus Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, President  AICA Hellas


Τhe speech will be in greek




Website: www.platformsproject.com


Information: Artemis Potamianou : Tel.+30 6937768769 / email: platformsproject@gmail.com